Tzach is an excellent therapist. I was in a lot of pain due to a hip injury and after just one session with him - combined with the stretches and exercises he gave me to do at home - I was as good as new. He really is an intuitive therapist and seemed to know exactly what I needed to heal. - Melanie
La nature intuitive de Tzach transparaît vraiment dans ses traitements ! Il vous ressent littéralement et travaille à partir de là ! Son objectif est de rappeler à ses clients leur propre pouvoir, ce qui, d'après mon expérience personnelle, est très cool ! - Ricky
I could not recommend Tzach at Intuitive Body Therapy more! He has helped me heal psychosomatic issues, connect with myself on a deep level, and has shown me such generosity and care with his service. Go see him for your wellness needs! - David
Tzach is a profound and highly sensitive healer. His touch is both gentle and precise, allowing the body to open and expand. His treatments truly are one of a kind! - Kirsten
Tzach’s confidence and gentle presence and touch allowed me to really let go and receive the benefits of the treatment which are often not just physical, but with deep insights arriving as well! - Maya
Je suis allé voir Tzach quelques fois et non seulement, il m’aide énormément avec mes douleurs de dos, cou, hanches et jambes, mais il m’aide énormément avec mon anxiété. Son énergie et son écoute sont extraordinaires. Il a même aidé à régler un problème hormonal. Je le recommande à 100%, il est super ! Il travaille en écoutant le corps de la personne, il utilise sa bonne énergie et réussi à faire des miracles! - Zenab